
The Revolution Will NOT Be Televised!

The resistance in Iran continues, and so does the regime's violent and vicious crackdown. But, if you're in the world outside of Iran, judging by the lack of information flowing out of Iran, one could assume the unrest is over and life goes on. This is a system working as designed. Siemans AG and Nokia, in a massive joint venture, sold a Monitoring Center to the Iranian government This Monitoring Center is what allows the Iranian government to control technology within Iran. With it they have completely shut down their cell phone and Internet networks so that twitter and Facebook can no longer be used to share the injustices is going on with the world. And so, it was technology that Iranians used to cry for help to the world and the world's pursuit of profit from technology sales that made it possible for that voice to be silenced. To be clear, I make a very good living selling technology but this is a line that should not be crossed for profit. Thankfully, I am not the only one who feels this way. Obama urged to punish US firms for aiding internet censorship
Leading companies earn hundreds of millions of pounds every year through their relationship with governments in repressive countries. Campaigners are agitating for the US president to put his weight behind the Global Online Freedom Act (Gofa), a law that would see US companies fined if they profit from involvement in online censorship.

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