REID: I’m saying that the United States Senate, Democrats and Republicans, do not want terrorists to be released in the United States. That’s very clear. QUESTION: No one’s talking about releasing them. We’re talking about putting them in prison somewhere in the United States. REID: Can’t put them in prison unless you release them. QUESTION: Sir, are you going to clarify that a little bit? I mean (OFF-MIKE). REID: I can’t -- I can’t -- I can’t make it any more clear than the statement I have given to you. We will never allow terrorists to be released in the United States. I think the majority -- I speak for the majority of the Senate.
The fact that we have and have had mass murderers, islamic and domestic terrorists, serial rapists and killers in our prison system and that GITMO represents the absolute very worst of what the Bushies did in America's name mean very little to Harry Reid. The man hasn't taken a stand in his entire sorry career in the Senate.
A small glimmer of hope may be that his home state is starting to see him for what he really is and re-election will be a challenge.
About a third of the state's voters would re-elect Reid if the 2010 election were held today, according to the poll, but 45 percent say they would definitely vote to replace him. Seventeen percent would consider another candidate.
At this point I would prefer to lose the seat to Republicans in order to vacate the wasted space.
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