
Slip sliding away...

I'm very curious to see what the Rs reaction to Gallup's new party ID poll will be. Do they continue to thrash with Limbaugh and the two Cheneys at the forefront, do they re brand AGAIN, do they concede, ignore, what? They have lost ground in every single category besides the attend church weekly crowd. The huge losses in the college graduate and 18-29 categories are expected but the massive losses in the mid-west and less than 30K income annually groups should be sending shock waves through the GOP.


Looks like at least Michael Steele is going to take the ignore route. His Politico piece titled : The Republican Party turns a corner lists the three ways Republicans are turning the corner, including this:

Third, the Republican Party will seize upon momentum for a GOP resurgence that is already underway in states and local communities. I have travelled extensively since being elected RNC chairman, meeting with state party leaders and grassroots activists alike. There is genuine enthusiasm for a Republican balance to the reckless excesses of the president and congressional Democrats. I believe the Republican Party can ride that wave of local enthusiasm to victory in upcoming elections.

As an ardent Obama supporter and Democrat I hope Michael Steele's tenure as Chairman of the RNC is a long and prosperous one. Another Update: After reading a few times I wondered, if Steele is so firm a believer in NOT looking to the past why is every other word out of his mouth Ronald Reagan?

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