
...and now you do what they told ya.

After watching the so called dueling speeches by Obama and Cheney I am enraged and sick to my stomach. It’s worth watching and reading the Obama’s speech, it was insightful, direct, comprehensive and very well written. Watch Cheney’s if you can stand to. I found it ridiculously fictitious. A noun, a verb and many 9/11s, a few WMDs that were never there laced with an Iraq connection that even the worst forms of human torture couldn’t force out basically describe it. What I find equally criminal is the MSMs part in all this; in an attempt to clear their conscience of their complicit and enabling silent behavior during the Bush Administration and in order to drive ratings and revenue will continue to provide a platform for the lies, bile and revisionist history of Cheney and Co. They will assist in the re-write it and feed it to America as truth. The same thing was done with Hillary in the primary and McCain in the general. The MSM creates the illusion that these contests and debates and talking points on issues are close and that the airing of them is meaningful and important to the American people in order to keep themselves relevant and in business. I'm taking at the least the weekend off from watching, reading or talking about politics. The American people may really be this stupid and if so we are fucked folks, and I’m tired of screaming at my screen.

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