
Shook Ones Part 2

Harry Reid on MTP Jan 4th:
"SEN. REID: This is part of Blagojevich's cloud. He's making all this up. I had a conversation with him. I don't remember what was in the conversation, other than the generalities that I just talked about. I didn't tell him who not to appoint. He's making all this up to divert attention..."
My italics. This one interaction just about sums it up the entire Burris/Reid fiasco for me. Not only did Reid go out on a limb and pick a fight with his own party that he could not win but when cornered for his obvious part in trying to manipulate the Blago pick to his liking he lies. Burris will be seated of course, Reid never had legal standing to refuse him in the first place. Pwned by Blago and Burris on an issue meaningless to the American Public at large. A man with Reid's power who missed envisioning the entire downside when the upside was some temporary muscle flex smacks of desperation and idiocy. Majority Leaders without a spine are partly how we got into this mess in the first place. He is clearly not the man to run the Senate with the A-Team Obama has put forth. But if not Reid then who? Do we have to wait until 2010 when his own people send him packing? He can't exactly be making them proud these days.... UPDATE: I'd say, that's his ass. Republican's are calling for the release of the tape of the call with Blago, which does exist. Harry better hope he squeeks. UPDATE2: One second thought. ...If he was squeeky clean he wouldn't have lied on MTP. This could get interesting.

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