
Let's just skip the election..

Reid vows to lead till at least 2015 The current poll numbers in his state are not good, he is at risk right now to a weak candidate. The man has officially crossed into panic mode and getting very close to complete meltdown. I can think of no other reason why he would take a half-hearted swing at the Rs while trying to take the head off of 82% approval rating having President Elect Barak Obama and Diane Feinstein for supporting the President Elect. The man needs a consultant or some shit! 2015? He better worry about the week after the 20th. Think Obama won't want Durbin as Marjority Leader? Typical schoolyard bully, all bite and no bark. As my wife would say "Mucho espuma, poco chocolate." He'll either be out at Majority Leader or wrecked by the Obama train as it runs right through him.

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